Cesare Di Nitto
In February 2024 I defended my PhD at the University of Zürich in collaboration with Philochem AG, working under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Michael Weller and Prof. Dr. Dario Neri.
In May ‘24 I started a new adventure as Senior Business Development Specialist for CATUG AG, a CRDMO deeply specialized in plasmid DNA, mRNA, and LNP manufacturing for R&D up to GMP level.
Most of my doctoral studies took place at Philochem AG, Zurich, the discovery unit of the Philogen Group, a Swiss-Italian biotech. Philogen pioneers technologically advanced immunotherapy biopharmaceuticals to treat cancer patients. My research focused on the design, engineering and testing of novel immunotherapy drugs consisting of monoclonal antibodies fused to pro-inflammatory cytokines. Among the three projects I led at Philochem, one resulted in a patented drug. Here you can find more details on my research.
Before arriving in Zürich in 2020, I completed my M.Sc. degree in Biomedical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano and my undergraduate degree in Industrial Engineering at Università Campus Biomedico di Roma. Here is a copy of my CV or you can check my timeline.